Tuesday, 20 November 2018

A Divine Lover: Mirabai

Human beings are usually body, mind & emotion & without committing these three human beings can't remain committed to themselves. Marriage means just this, committing everything to the person. We have heard nuns getting married to Jesus before they are given the responsibility of Church. Certain people took this thing to a different level of dimension & it became a reality for them. Mirabai was one of them & she saw Krishna as her husband.
She was so mad about Krishna that she married him in her mind when she was 8yrs old. Her focus & intensity of emotion was such that Krishna was no more a hallucination for her but became a reality. Mira's husband was Maharana Bhojraj- king of Mewar. He faced many difficulties because Mira was always with her divine lover. She even went through sexual act with her divine lover.  Maharana tried his best to understand what was happening to Mira because he truly loved her but he couldn't figure it out. Because whatever she did seemed so real but for him & others it wasn't there. Mirabai saw Bhojraj as her best friend & his death in battle was a great shock for her.

 After Bhojraj's death some people in the palace started plotting her assassination. They also tried to poison her but it didn't work because of the intensity of her devotion. As her best friend was the only reason which she had to stay in the palace she had no reason to stay there after his death. So, she left Mewar. She composed many poems & bhajans for Krishna. Devotion doesn't mean belief or love. First one must understand what's devotion. 
                              Many natural disasters took place on earth & people  face so many consequences. This planet is spinning & imagine if it starts spinning at a great speed & in opposite direction. So, for us to sit, smile, listen, talk to someone we need enormous trust. But we're doing it unconsciously & un-lovingly. If we'll start trusting the existence consciously & lovingly then it's devotion. Devotion isn't belief but the sweetest way to be a part of existence.

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